It is difficult to find a modern production process in which various mechanisms that create vibration do not take part. A certain permissible level of vibration does not harm the technique and does not interfere with the work of other mechanisms and devices. Control this permissible level and the vibration control system is called upon. Exceeding the permissible vibration standards, as a rule, entails a breakdown of equipment, and therefore expensive repair or replacement. Therefore, it is so important to choose and purchase a reliable control system. The costs of its acquisition are certainly paid off. Regular monitoring of the state of equipment allows the owner not to spend money on regulatory repair and maintenance, producing them exactly when it is really necessary, and therefore, receiving additional savings.
Choosing a certain vibration control system, you should focus on specific conditions of its subsequent operation. This system, being connected not only to the controlled device or mechanism, but also to the production process control panel, allows you to quickly respond to emergency situations. Available cost, reliability, simplicity of operation are important characteristics of modern vibration control systems.